How to classify water-based paint?

According to the different formulation and use methods, water-based coatings can be mainly divided into the following three categories:

The first is a one-component water-based paint. One-component water-based paint also known as single-layer water-based paint, means that there is only one liquid substrate in the coating, and it can be used directly without adding other ingredients. One-component water-based paints are suitable for simple paint jobs such as small area touch-up or painting. It has the advantages of convenient construction, fast drying and environmental protection.

The second is a two-component water-based paint. Two-component water-based paint also known as double-layer water-based paint, are coatings made from the mixture of two different liquid substrates. It usually consists of a base paint and a curing agent (otherwise known as a crosslinker), which needs to be mixed in a certain proportion before use. The two-component water-based paint is hardened by chemical reaction to form a solid film. This kind of coating is suitable for large area coating projects and has high durability, wear resistance and chemical resistance. For example, if ships often serve in the Marine environment for a long time, there will be serious corrosion risks, so we can use Raw materials clear epoxy paint, Waterborne Corrosion Resistant Intermediate Coating and other high quality epoxy intermediate coatings.

The third is alkaline water-based paint. Alkaline refers to the addition of alkaline dissolving agents to water-based coatings to increase the adhesion and durability of the coating. Alkali treated water-based paint can provide better adhesion and is suitable for surfaces with high adhesion requirements, such as metal, glass, etc.

These classifications are mainly based on the formulation and application of the coating, and each water-based paint has different properties and scope of application. When choosing water-based paints, we have to make the right choice according to the specific coating needs and conditions. 


Post time: Sep-07-2023